The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday decided to withdraw Rs 2,000 denomination banknotes from circulation. The central bank said that all Rs 2,000 currency notes must be exchanged before September 30, 2023.
Family Floater Health Insurance plans work on the same principle as that of individual Health Insurance plans but extend their coverage to all family members.
Automatic restoration, Cumulative bonuses, Annual health check-ups, Wellness discounts, Renewal discounts, Second medical opinions etc., are some more benefits offered by many Health Insurance Industries.
Health Insurance, often known as medical insurance, covers medical expenses that arise due to an illness, injury and/or accident.
Helping children learn about financial planning can be a blessing to them as they grow up. Here are a few tips for parents to teach children about financial planning.
The biggest dilemma for first-time investors has always been the choice between life insurance and health insurance. Which one is more important? What should they choose? Read here.
Life insurance is a boon that helps an individual's family cope financially in case something happens to them, especially if they are the family's sole breadwinners. An adequate life cover not only helps with the day to day expenses of the family of the deceased, but also long-term goals such as education and marriage.
It was earlier reported that the government would only consider raising income tax deductions under certain sections of the Income Tax Act. However, a fresh report suggests that the government is likely to increase personal income tax exemption threshold.
Some people said they want the new finance minister to further increase the basic exemption limit from Rs 2.50 lakh to Rs 5 lakh. A few others want the government to increase income tax deduction under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.