Usually, mutual fund investors make gains by way of capital appreciation and dividend receipts on the capital invested. In case of equity funds, the fund house declares dividends as and when the fund makes profits.
Similarly, the underlying assets in a debt fund provide regular interest at a fixed rate to the investors. This way, the value of your mutual fund keeps growing as you move ahead in your investment horizon. This brings capital gains to the investors which tend to be taxable.
In case of debt funds, a holding period of up to 36 months (3 years) is referred to as short term and more than 36 months is regarded as long term.
How is capital gains taxed in mutual funds?
The capital gains earned in the short term are known as short-term capital gains (STCG). The capital gains earned in the long term are known as long-term capital gains (LTCG).
Equity funds and debt funds are taxed differently according to their holding periods. The short-term capital gains (STCG) on redemption of equity fund units is taxable at the rate of 15%. The long-term capital gains (LTCG) on equity fund up to Rs 1 lakh is tax-free. However, LTCG on equity fund redemption in excess of Rs 1 lakh is taxable at the rate of 10% without the benefit of indexation.
The short-term capital gains on redeeming units of debt funds forms part of the total income of the investor and is taxable according to his income slab. However, the long-term capital gains on debt fund redemption is taxable at the rate of 20% with the benefit of indexation. In case of indexation, you can adjust the cost of acquisition of the units according to the cost inflation index (CII) of the year of sale and year of purchase.
Indexed cost of acquisition (ICoA) is computed as follows:The main purpose of indexation is to inflate the cost of acquisition of the asset so as to reduce the resulting capital gains. This way, the investor is able to lower his overall tax liability.
How to manage tax on mutual funds?
The taxation on capital gains on mutual funds should not stop you from exploring its return potential. You can, actually, create a lot of wealth and fulfill your dreams via mutual fund investments. Instead of getting stressed, follow these simple tips to manage your tax on mutual funds: